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Lesson 33 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7
If you are not bearing GOOD FRUIT, HUMAN “goodness.” That child is one of the
you will be thrown into the lake of FIRE. Now CLOSEST portions of her empirical SELF. She
can a carnal human bear good fruit? Is there regards it as HERS -- it’s a part of HER -- and
GOOD in a human? In John 15, Yeshua the she loves herSELF, so she loves her child. Does
Messiah compares us to BRANCHES of a vine your carnal mind still argue that this is really
-- it could be a grapevine. He is the vine, we are SPIRITUAL GOODNESS? If so, YOU NEED
the branches (verse 57). A branch, he said, TO COMPREHEND WHAT IS YEHOVAH
“cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the GOD’S GOODNESS AND REPENT!
vine" (verse 4). IF we abide in Him -- are in A rich man becomes a philanthropist.
constant CONTACT, SO that HIS GOODNESS Andrew Carnegie gave millions of dollars to
flows into and through us, we shall bring forth establish public libraries in many cities. Wasn’t
GOOD fruit, “...for without me, ye can do that GOOD?
nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth Well, LOOK AT IT a moment! He gave
as a branch, and is withered: and men gather to HIS WORLD which he was part of and loved,
them, and cast them into the fire, and they are didn’t he? Just about all of the books in those
burned" (verses 5-6). libraries, except the few that are Bibles, are the
The Messiah said we are known by our writings of men HOSTILE to YEHOVAH God,
fruits. And a bad tree CANNOT produce good and the product of this world’s education. Yes,
fruit. Nor can a good tree bring forth evil fruit. If Yeshua the Messiah said the world LOVES ITS
you, then, are pretty GOOD -- as many of you OWN, and showing love for and of the world is
now reading this, even though already baptized NOT the love of YEHOVAH GOD. YEHO-
and professing to be converted -- think you are, VAH commands us to love NOT the world, nor
and are a GOOD “tree,” it is IMPOSSIBLE to the things that are IN the world. And did you
bring forth bad fruit -- that is, IMPOSSIBLE for ever notice that Mr. Carnegie’s NAME is placed
you to sin. But you HAVE SINNED -- SO YOU on these libraries, to perpetuate his name, and
are NOT GOOD. And if you are not changed so uphold his vanity for generations after his death?
as to produce GOOD (SPIRITUAL) FRUIT, A man or wealthy widow donates a great
you shall be burned up in the lake of fire art collection to an institution -- but the donor’s
(Matthew 7:17-19). NAME is always there to exalt the “good”
The apostle Paul said: “In me dwelleth donor, and show off to people how “GOOD” he
NO GOOD THING” -- or, as in the Revised or she was! A person of means endows a college
Standard translation: “NOTHING good dwells or university with a large sum -- but it is known
in me.” as the “scholarship” of the donor! And AL-
I can WISH -- WANT to do, desire, or WAYS philanthropists see to it that their gifts go
make a resolution, to do what is right -- but I can- to the places and uses of THEIR CHOICE. The
not DO it! No, without YEHOVAH God, and donation BUYS the assent of the recipient to
His power within, you have no good in you, and USE it as the donor demands"
can do no good. A carnal human may THINK he Yes, by HUMAN STANDARDS, as
has good -- thinks good thoughts, has good in- HUMANS view things, there may be some
tentions. But when we understand what GOOD “GOOD” in human nature, and in people. By
really means, he cannot produce it! human standards, Joseph of Arimathaea, who
You may say, “But I think MOTHER- buried the body of the Messiah, was a “good
LOVE is good. Is it not GOOD when a mother man" (Luke 23:50), but, let Yeshua the Messiah
loves and cares for her baby?" As a carnal human settle this question once and for all: “If ye then,
looks at it -- humanly, perhaps -- but let’s just BEING EVIL, know how to GIVE GOOD
look at this noble mother love, as an example of GIFTS (see James 1:17) unto your children,
The Power of Prayer!