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P. 13

Lesson 37 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13

Under YEHOVAH’s government ALL His people will own their own homes -- FOREVER!

Assurance of Private Ownership Natural Resources

1. The Bible DOES NOT teach the 1. A natural question that arises in this
doctrine of community of possession. YEHO- day and generation is -- WHO will control or
VAH God DID NOT say that men were to sit possess the great national wealth and resources
under a community vine and fig tree when His such as the MINERALS in the mountains and
Kingdom has been established on this earth. So the OIL under our feet? Deuteronomy
what did He say? Micah 4:4. 33:13-17.
COMMENT: Not even the tax collector COMMENT: All this wealth belongs to
will make them afraid because that particular job the nation and ALL the people have an inheri-
function will no longer exist! tance. Moses listed these national resources as
2. In that day we are told that the houses follows --
will be PRIVATE PROPERTY -- possessed by
those who build them. Isaiah 65:22. 1) The water, the rain and the sunshine from
COMMENT: Today one man builds heaven.
and another inhabits as a result of tax burdens or 2) The sea and the dew.
the inability to meet and pay usury charges. 3) The natural production of field and forest --
3. In the Millennium will every man apart from man’s labor.
enjoy his labor? Isaiah 65:22, last part; verse 4) The oil and the minerals in the mountains and
23, first part. the hills.
COMMENT: “They shall not labor in
vain, nor bring forth for trouble” as is so often He declared that YEHOVAH’s people
the case today under a system of exchange that have an inheritance in ALL this wealth and lists
tends to IMPOVERISH the laborer and IN- these national resources as a NATIONAL
CREASE THE WEALTH of the rich. ASSET to be used for the benefit of ALL.

Management, Labor and Property Rights Under YEHOVAH’s Law
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