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Lesson 37 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 9
Property Rights and the Bible without a vested right in the land, the RIGHT to
live and produce the needs of life is denied.
Ownership and property rights begin 1. But what does the Bible declare all the
with the FAMILY. No one can study YEHO- people were to have? Leviticus 25:23-34.
VAHs word, the Bible, without realizing the COMMENT: The land belongs to YE-
importance of FAMILY LIFE in the perfect HOVAH God and all the people are to have an
economy. It is important to understand that any INHERITANCE therein. An Israelite could
plan that displaces the family or fails to accept it NOT sell his possessions so that his family
as the VERY CENTER and LIFE of an orderly would not have an inheritance in the land. Now
system is destined to fail! an inheritance is THE RIGHT BY LAW to
1. In accord with the original plan of receive possessions or property that is ones
YEHOVAH God concerning MAN, what did He heritage or birthright.
say? Genesis 2:18. 2. What did YEHOVAH declare when
COMMENT: In other words, YEHO- He gave His people an inheritance in the land?
VAH would make a comforter to live with man. Leviticus 25:23.
It is not popular in this day of so-called social COMMENT: The Israelites could
equality to speak of PROPERTY RIGHTS in the LEASE that land, but a definite time period was
family relationship and yet when YEHOVAH is set after which the land must REVERT BACK to
the HEAD of the household and righteousness is the ORIGINAL family. The land could NOT be
the basis of all relationships, no wife will object taken through tax levies because NO TAX was
to the expression of ownership in the statement allowed to be levied against a mans inheritance.
my wife nor will children find fault when their When Israel came into the land of Palestine to
parents say our children. possess it, that land was divided among the
2. Because of the RIGHT OF OWNER- Tribes of Israel and EACH FAMILY received its
SHIP -- one in the other -- what did YEHOVAH inheritance under its fathers house and tribe.
declare? Genesis 2:24. The land being YEHOVAHs, the tithe of its
COMMENT: The law of YEHOVAH increase was holy unto YEHOVAH.
God abounds with SAFEGUARDS placed
around the family, protecting the family, keep- Law of the Land
ing it pure from pollution and punishing those
who violate the sanctity of the home. No Moses instructed the Children of Israel
property rights are more rigidly guarded and on how to take care of the land according to
protected than the rights of man and wife -- with YEHOVAHs law.
the DEATH PENALTY pronounced upon 1. How long were they to sow their fields
adulterers. and harvest their crops? Leviticus 25:3-4.
COMMENT: They were to sow their
Importance of Inheritance fields and prune their vineyards and gather their
fruit for SIX YEARS. The seventh year was to
In order that the family may have sus- be a SABBATH OF REST for the land during
tenance there must be an inheritance or which they were NOT to sow the land nor prune
possession in the LAND. Because we have failed their vines or gather their fruit. That which grew
to recognize this or to act upon YEHOVAHs of itself was NOT to be reaped nor were they to
laws regarding the land, millions of people today eat of it for it was to be A YEAR OF REST for
are DISPOSSESSED of their possessions and the land.
are able to exist ONLY by the good will of the 2. Leviticus 25:19.
nation. The loss of a job can mean starvation, for COMMENT: In this statement YEHO-
Management, Labor and Property Rights Under YEHOVAHs Law