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Lesson 37 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7

INCREASE resulting from their combined COMMENT: During the six years an
efforts in production. Labor will cease to be a accumulation of production (whether of the field
commodity to be purchased in an open market, or otherwise) will be sufficient to carry through
for under YEHOVAH’s law labor would the seventh year -- which seventh year will be a
become a CO-PARTNER and receive a fair Sabbath of rest.
share in the INCREASE with those who,
through management, contribute their part to Periods of Rest
make that INCREASE possible. Labor would
therefore be able to purchase that which it Vacations have always been a problem
produces and thus remove the danger of for industry and only A FEW have been able to
overproduction which, in reality, does not exist avail themselves of this privilege. But
-- it being, rather, UNDERCONSUMPTION -- YEHOVAH God is not interested in having His
because labor is not given sufficient to buy that people make the accumulation of wealth the
which it produces. desire and end-all of life! The PRIMARY
PURPOSE of production in the plan of
Labor and Public Works YEHOVAH God is to supply men with the
needs and comforts of life. But instead of doing
1. When Solomon needed laborers to this today, production has been made the means
build the Temple at Jerusalem, what did he do? I of enriching THE FEW at the expense of THE
Kings 5:13-14.
COMMENT: Here is an
interesting fact set forth in the
handling of labor for public
works. FOUR MONTHS out of
the year these laborers worked
for the state. EIGHT MONTHS
out of each year the laborer was
free to enjoy himself and his
home. The income earned from
the four months service was
more than sufficient to insure
that he lived well during the
entire twelve months.
With modern advance- Family enjoying YEHOVAH’s Sabbath day.
ments in computers, machinery
and mass production -- plus the MANY.
ingenuity of inventive genius -- we should be Our foolishness in these matters has cost
able to do MUCH BETTER in the equitable much. Besides denying our people the blessing
distribution of profits when freed from the of the periods of leisure provided under
CURSE of the present economic evils. A few YEHOVAH’s law, we have substituted SHORT
months each year should enable man to produce VACATIONS, grudgingly given to a few, for
all that he would need during the balance of the the blessings of the periods of leisure
year. This will be so when we conform to every ABUNDANTLY offered by YEHOVAH God
requirement of YEHOVAH’s law. under His economic system. This system would
2. What happens every SEVENTH bring happiness and contentment to all His
YEAR? Leviticus 25:3-4. people.

Management, Labor and Property Rights Under YEHOVAH’s Law
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