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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 37
to the owner for their violation or for the destruc- sells but the RIGHT TO THE INCREASE from
tion of property: that land. The SALES VALUE is based upon the
1. YEHOVAHs law emphasizes RES- YEARLY RETURN from the land until the next
TITUTION for trespasses and wrongs. Exodus Jubilee. As a result it is the YEARLY RETURN
22:5. which he sells and NOT THE LAND! The
2. What is the penalty for starting a fire thrifty, therefore, are not penalized while the
that damages or destroys a neighbors posses- lazy and shiftless are rewarded as is so often the
sions? Exodus 22:6. case today.
3. If a man digs a pit and fails to cover it Under the Temple system the thrifty pay
and damage results to his neighbors cattle, what a TITHE from their abundance or increase and
is the penalty? Exodus 21:33-34. the shiftless pay no tithe since they have no
COMMENT: While these judgments increase. BOTH are assured of their inheritance
apply specifically to an agricultural community, -- free from the fear of losing it or having it taken
they are based upon FUNDAMENTAL prin- away from them by governmental levies. The
ciples of justice and law that can be APPLIED INCREASE from that inheritance could only be
IN ANY AGE and to ANY TYPE OF IN- secured by individual industry and enterprise.
DUSTRIAL ACTIVITY. The judgments, as Under YEHOVAHs law the owner of property,
given, are SAMPLES of the way YEHOVAHs and in possession of his heritage, is blessed with
law is to be applied to specific cases. When this SECURITY while today the ownership of
fact is fully regognized and understood then property is a LIABILITY that may tax the
maybe we will cease to hear men make light of resources of men to meet the levies made against
YEHOVAHs law because some particular his possessions.
judgment under that law in Moses time has no
application today. Homes for All
RIGHTS ARE EVER TO BE ABOLISHED! On was made for homes for ALL His people --
the contrary, such rights are EMPHASIZED and FOREVER -- in His refusal to allow the land to
safeguards are placed around that property to be sold. It provided SECURITY to men and
protect a man in his possessions. LIBERTY assured the industrious an opportunity to provide
FOR THE INDIVIDUAL IS NON-EXISTENT for their needs and increase their wealth.
APART FROM FREEDOM OF POSSESSION Because land is primarily the BASIS of mans
and the protection of personal holdings and existence, and the inheritance of such sustains
property, with adequate compensation for its his right to property, for a government to make
loss or destruction! tax levies against that land IMPOVERISHES A
Land Has No Sales Value Abolition of property rights is NO WHERE
found in the Bible! Because of our violation of
Under YEHOVAHs law the land has YEHOVAHs system of taxation with
NO SALES VALUE in itself. The sales value is governmental levies against property and land,
in the PRODUCTIVENESS of the land. Be- the abolition of property rights, along with the
cause this is so, nothing can be gained by holding resulting loss of security, has become a FACT in
land for profit, for there is no profit in land the life of millions of our citizens.
EXCEPT one labors and works so that it will
sells his inheritance, it is NOT the land that he
Management, Labor and Property Rights Under YEHOVAHs Law