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10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 37

VAH God promises that if His people would
keep the law regarding the land there would be
DISEASE. Instead, there would be AN
ABUNDANT YIELD of all kinds from the land.

Use of the Surplus

But what, you might ask, shall the people
do for food on the seventh year?
1. This is also answered by YEHOVAH
God. Leviticus 25:20-22.
COMMENT: Here, then, is YEHO-
VAH’s method for caring for the ABUN-
DANCE in production by giving rest to the land
and a YEAR’S VACATION to His people with
their living provided from the over-production
of the six previous years. Thus YEHOVAH’s
abundance, in the keeping of His law, The cracked Liberty Bell.
contributes to prosperity and blessing and does
NOT impoverish a people. Instead of curtailing REAL prosperity -- had we but kept the law of
planting and instituting crop destruction, YE- YEHOVAH’s Jubilee! Instead, we have had
HOVAH God shows how over-production is to periodic depressions and financial difficulties
be used for the benefit of all. accompanied by resource-draining wars and
police actions. Our nation could have led the

The Year of Restoration way by keeping the LETTER as well as the spirit
of that law inscribed on our Liberty Bell and in
1. Seven sabbaths, or 49 years, were to be so doing would have demonstrated to the entire
numbered and the 50th year was to be a world the blessing of keeping YEHOVAH’s
JUBILEE. Leviticus 25:8-17. commandments.
COMMENT: This fiftieth year was to But instead of doing this, we elected to
be hallowed or sanctified -- that is, SET APART. follow in the steps of the nations around us and
During this fiftieth year a proclamation is to go fifty years after the critical days that followed
out. In this year every man is to RETURN TO the War of Independence the Liberty Bell, which
HIS OWN POSSESSIONS and to his OWN had been rung EVERY YEAR on the
FAMILY and to have his inheritance restored to anniversary of the Declaration of Independence,
him. CRACKED and has not been rung since.
We are reminded of this in our own
history. Cast in the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia Leases and Redemption
is a part of the Jubilee call: “Proclaim liberty
throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants Property sold during the fifty years
thereof.” On July 8, 1776, this bell rang out preceding each Jubilee is to be RETURNED TO
summoning the people to hear the reading of the THE FAMILY OF INHERITANCE during the
Declaration of Independence. What a different year of Jubilee. Because this is so, the sale of
story might have been told in the history of the property, or the possession of it by other than the
United States: a story of peace, liberty and family of inheritance, AMOUNTS TO A

Management, Labor and Property Rights Under YEHOVAH’s Law
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