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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 37
1. Is it true that one day in seven is holy 25:1-7.
to YEHOVAH God? Exodus 20:8-11. COMMENT: At the end of every six
COMMENT: The weekly Sabbath day years an ENTIRE YEAR (the seventh year) is a
occurs every seventh day according to the lunar YEAR OF REST in which men are to cease from
cycle and is a day of joy and worship. But their labors. During this year they can devote
besides the Sabbath day YEHOVAH God their time to travel and pleasure. They must, of
instituted holidays throughout the year when course, keep holy the Sabbath days (both weekly
men are to cease from their labors. and annual) of that seventh year.
2. Three different periods are provided in 5. Then at the close of seven weeks of
each year -- one in the spring, another in the years (49 years), an EXTRA YEAR is added to
summer, and a third in the fall. Leviticus 23:4-8, the vacation period! Leviticus 25:8-17.
23:15-22, 23:33-42. COMMENT: This year is known as the
3. These are weeks during which Jubilee and is to be a period of real rejoicing and
YEHOVAHs people are to enjoy themselves. pleasure during which a proclamation of peace is
Deuteronomy 16:14. issued.
serve these vacation periods. The people are to Promised Blessings
remember YEHOVAH even in the midst of their
vacation for in each period a day of holy We have ignored YEHOVAHs laws
convocation is set aside to be observed as a that, when applied in our nations and in our lives,
Sabbath. would bring the blessings of peace, prosperity
But this is not all! and real happiness. The problems confronting
4. Notice what happens at the end of labor and management would permanently
every six years. Exodus 23:10-11, Leviticus disappear with the ELIMINATION of the
financier; and labor
Enjoying a meal in the Sukkah during the Feast of Tabernacles -- one of would no longer need
YEHOVAHs periods of rest. to organize to realize
its just goals. Thus
freed from having to
pay tribute, men
would deal righteous-
ly with each other
under a system of
equitable laws and
under an economy of
justice and equity.
1. Then would
come to pass the
fulfillment of YEHO-
VAHs declaration
through the prophet
Isaiah. Isaiah 65:17 -
Management, Labor and Property Rights Under YEHOVAHs Law