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Lesson 43 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15
are roughly as follows: Edom in modern Jordan; These could well be the TEN HEADS or TEN
Ishmaelites in modern Saudi Arabia; Moab in HORNS mentioned elsewhere in the Bible.
modern Jordan; Hagarites -- the territory bor-
dering modern Jordan and Saudi Arabia; Gebal Redemption is Nigh
-- probably modern Golan Heights and nearby in
Syria; Ammon in modern Jordan; Amalek in 1. Why now, at the approaching end of
modern Sinai peninsula and the Negev; Philistia the age, is YEHOVAH God holding back the
-- modern Gaza Strip, part of the Palestinian day of judgment? II Peter 3:3, 4, 9, 15.
authority; Tyre in modern Lebanon; Assyria -- Today we are seeing an increase in
modern Syria and Iraq. terrorist attacks from the fundamental element of
The important thing to remember is that Islam, and those will continue until the return the
the Psalmist here lists a group of nations/tribes Messiah as pictured in the end of the sixth
that immediately surround the state of Israel on trumpet in chapter 10 of the book of Revelation.
all sides. Moslems believe the 21st century to be the
7. What do you see by comparing the CENTURY OF ISLAM, when all the world
main prophecies of the final conflict at the end of MUST be subjugated to Islam -- and they also
the age? Psalm 83; Zechariah 14; Ezekiel 35 believe that the ANNIHILATION of Israel is
and Joel 3. their precursor to the CONQUEST of the United
COMMENT: An invasion of Israel by States and other countries of modern Israel.
her immediate neighbors (an inner circle of There will be NO PEACE -- and can be
nations) is the first event pictured. no peace -- between Islam and modern Israel
8. The next event is indicated by Zech- because the KORAN itself FORBIDS it! Mos-
ariah 14 and Ezekiel 35. lems reverence both the Koran and Mohammed,
COMMENT: The city of Jerusalem is Allahs prophet, and the Koran states that true
taken captive. Jews and infidels (Christians) are enemies of
9. What comes next? Ezekiel 38:8, 11. Allah, the Prophet and the angels (Sura 2:97-
COMMENT: YEHOVAH God returns 98).
and delivers Jerusalem, defeating Israels YEHOVAH God will certainly use Is-
surrounding enemies and establishing His King- lams hatred of Israel, the nations inherent anti-
dom on a renewed earth. Israel dwells in peace Semitism, Western and Eastern greed for profits
and safety, without walls or gates. and power, and the SPIRITUAL BANKRUPT-
10. The next event is pictured in Ezekiel CY of the leaders of Israel and the United States
38. to set the scene for the final acts of this age. The
COMMENT: There is an invasion of EVIL spirit of Islam manifests itself in barbaric
Israel by an OUTER circle of nations -- from the men like Osama bin Laden, George Habash,
four corners of the earth. Bashar al-Assad, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ab-
11. Finally, what do we see in Psalm 72? del Aziz Rantisi, to name but a few -- to whom
COMMENT: The outer circle of invad- torture and violent murder is as natural as breath-
ers is defeated. The Kingdom of YEHOVAH ing. Men such as these find their excitement in
God expands peacefully. planning murderous outrages, like piloting pas-
It is very significant that BOTH the inner senger planes into high rise buildings with the
and outer circles of nations described above are resultant death of thousands.
all ISLAMIC NATIONS. It is also interesting The ride of the PALE HORSE is a spirit-
that the ONLY list of 10 confederate nations or ual conflict waged by a SATANIC FORCE
tribes anywhere in the Bible is in Psalm 83. against the people and purposes of YEHOVAH
God. The upcoming Islamic-inspired confron-
Principles of Prophecy -- The Pale Horse of Revelation 6