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Lesson 43 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11
Ishmael -- the riders on the PALE HORSE.
7. Notice Genesis 22:2, 6.
God did NOT even consider Ishmael to be
Abrahams son! The Bible is evidence of the fact
that YEHOVAH God told Abraham to sacrifice
his ONLY son Isaac. Then WHY is it that in
the early 600s A.D. -- around 2,500 years later --
as subsequently recorded in the KORAN,
YEHOVAH told Mohammed that Abraham
placed ISHMAEL and not Isaac on the altar?
Unless, of course, it was ANOTHER god! It
was: Molech, a heathen god, especially of the
AMMONITES of old, who was worshiped with
gruesome orgies in which CHILDREN WERE
SACRIFICED. The worship of Molech was
known to the Israelites before they entered
8. Did Moses sternly FORBID its wor-
ship? Leviticus 18:21 and 20:1-5. The worship of Molech -- known today as Allah.
COMMENT: This FALSE god was also and Ishmael. Notice Romans 10:13.
an aspect of BAAL (Jeremiah 32:35) and BE- COMMENT: Through the blood sacri-
LIAL (Deuteronomy 13:13). Today he is popu- fice of Yeshua the Messiah, the lamb of YEHO-
larly known as ALLAH, and contemporary VAH God, salvation is also available to EVERY
people call his worshipers the THIRD major SON OF ESAU that they might also become
monotheistic religion of the world -- ISLAM! sons of YEHOVAH God and inheritors of eter-
Dont you believe it! This is a case of BLA- nal life. YEHOVAH will then say, Jacob I have
TANT MIMICRY of Israels God and Israels loved and now, so too do I love and forgive those
Bible as is SO MUCH of the Koran and the of Esaus sons who have ACCEPTED the blood
rituals and practices of the Islamic faith. sacrifice of the Messiah as their own.
The younger brother, JACOB, was the One tradition says that Ishmael is des-
CHOSEN of YEHOVAH God. Therefore, the tined to repent and implies that his descendants
elder brother had to invent HIS OWN god of -- of their own free will -- will accept a form of
whom he would also be the chosen people. servitude under Israelite rule.
9. Whom did Esau marry? Genesis 28:9.
COMMENT: When Esau married Ish- Prophecies of the Pale Horse
maels daughter and also took wives from the
daughters of Canaan and had multitudes of Regarding the future, some type of ill-
grandsons (Genesis 36), he became, along with fated bond between Ephraim and the followers
Ishmael, the FATHER OF 22 ARAB NATIONS of Islam appears to be spoken of in the Old
-- soon to be 23 if the Palestinians get to carve a Testament book of Hosea. The verses concerned
state out of the land YEHOVAH God gave to have been rendered here as LITERALLY as
Israels descendants as an EVERLASTING possible and, therefore, may appear at first
possession. glance to be difficult to understand. The overall
10. Yet, the story has a potentially message is that the prophet Hosea condemns
HAPPY ENDING for the descendants of Esau Ephraim and uses a word that may be understood
Principles of Prophecy -- The Pale Horse of Revelation 6