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Lesson 43 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13
They shall fly the Philistines away
The Hebrew says: VeAFU BeCeTeF
PliSHTIM YaMaH, that is, word-for-word:
[Ve-afu] And they will fly (or cause to
be flown) [becetef] by wing [Plishtim] Phili-
stines [yama] towards the Sea (or towards the
This may be interpreted to mean anyone
of the following:
1) That the Philistines in the west are be-
ing flown AGAINST, or
2) ALTERNATELY (and more consis-
tently with the literal Hebrew) that they will be
It is interesting to note that the word for
Statue of Maimonides in Corboda, Spain. westward is the Hebrew Yam-ah -- meaning
literally to the sea, and the sea was in the west.
2. Read Ezekiel 36:1-12, 15. The Palestinians (descended from the Phili-
COMMENT: He is totally DEFEATED stines) used to repeatedly declare their intention
in the process and YEHOVAHs justice is of driving the Jews into the sea, though now
finally accomplished. The ancient heights they use more openly murderous expressions.
(verse 2) referred to here by Ezekiel are known On some sub-conscious level the Palestinians
today by the Arabs as the occupied West may have been trying to re-direct what is
Bank. LITERALLY prophesied concerning their own
3. Notice verse 5. destiny!
COMMENT: The rest of the nations Based on Isaiah, therefore, the Pale-
refers to the Palestinians, the Syrians, the Jor- stinians will be transported elsewhere by air-
danians, the Egyptians. flight toward the sea, to the west -- possibly to
4. The prophet Isaiah foresaw the even- North Africa or to South America.
tual reconciliation between Judah and Ephraim, 5. Notice what Obadiah prophesies will
and the defeat of Edom and the Philistines -- see happen to the descendants of Esau in the near
Isaiah 11:12-14. future -- read ALL of Obadiah.
COMMENT: One of the intricacies of COMMENT: Notice especially verses
Biblical Hebrew is that words and expressions 6-10 and 15. In verse 19 Obadiah is speaking of
may INTENTIONALLY have more that one a time of reconciliation between Ephraim and
meaning. In the case of verse 14 above, the Judah following a victory of theirs over a MU-
Hebrew may also be understood as saying TUAL ENEMY. They of the south (Hebrew:
Negev), and they of the plain apparently
refers to different elements of the Jewish people.
Principles of Prophecy -- The Pale Horse of Revelation 6