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Lesson 43 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 9
COMMENT: What this Islamic apos-
tasy ultimately accomplishes is that the fraudu-
lent god of this earth, who has been fooling the
heathen since the Garden of Eden, gets himself
worshiped, which has always been his desire --
instead of and in place of YEHOVAH God.
Many unsuspecting Christians have fallen prey
to this insidious scheme of Satan without even
being aware of it and have sided with the
descendants of Esau in their evil and godless
plan to STEAL the blessing of the modern-day
descendants of Jacob (Israel) -- who are the
United States, United Kingdom, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand and North-Western
This is a CLEAR picture of whats going
on with the sons of Esau today. Hardly a major
city in the world has not suffered at the hands of
these people who are the sons of Belial of old
who come to steal, and to kill, and to destroy
(John 10:10). And these are the principal riders
on the PALE HORSE of Revelation 6!
Mohammed receiving visions from Satan in the Notice that YEHOVAH God said that
Cave of Hera. Esau and his descendants would SERVE Jacob
conquests (vol. 12, #10 and 11, pps. 73-75 and and his descendants. Islam is the very attempt of
82). the sons of Esau to OVERRULE the edict of
YEHOVAH God, that they would serve their
Sons of Belial younger brother, and to break his yoke from off
their necks. Moreover, it is their attempt to shake
1. What does Moses say in Deuter- off modern Israels DIVINE dominance thereby
onomy 13:13? REVERSING YEHOVAHs edict and to RE-
COMMENT: These sons of Belial (Sa- PEAL Israels blessing. To do so they have IN-
tan) are nothing new to YEHOVAH God. VENTED their own god, Allah, and their own
2. Paul, the emissary of the Messiah, also Bible, the Koran; exactly the OPPOSITE of
spoke of the evil sons of Belial in warning the what YEHOVAH God decreed.
Christians. II Corinthians 6:14-15 and 17-18.
COMMENT: This is the SAME anti- Abrahams Illegitimate Son
God conspiracy that has traced its way from the
Garden of Eden through the Esaus and the About 138 years earlier than Esau, the
Ishmaels right through history up to the RIDER same IDENTICAL thing happened to Esaus
ON THE PALE HORSE and the final great uncle, ISHMAEL.
judgment that takes place at the Messiahs 1. Notice Genesis 16:1-7.
appearance when the sons of Belial will be COMMENT: Ishmael, Abrahams ille-
finally eradicated. gitimate son that he had produced through
3. Notice Matthew 4:9. Hagar, the Egyptian handmaid of his wife Sarah,
was NOT the son of promise.
Principles of Prophecy -- The Pale Horse of Revelation 6