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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 43

to be a FORM OF THE NAME MOHAMMET. “Therefore, behold, they go forth from
He speaks of the region of Egypt and the east, the trouble of Egypt, and Memphis shall receive
and predicts a DISASTER that somehow in- them, and MACHMAS [MOHAMMED]
volves a MAD PROPHET identified tradition- SHALL BURY THEM: as for their silver, de-
ally as “Mohammed.” struction shall inherit it; thorns shall be in their
1. The following quotations are from tents.”
Hosea 9.
“The days of vengeance are come, the
“Do not be happy Israel, do not rejoice days of thy recompense are come; and Israel
like (other) peoples, for you have sinned (and shall be afflicted as THE PROPHET THAT IS
gone) away from you God...” (Hosea 9:1). MAD, AS A MAN DERANGED: by reason of
the multitude of thine iniquities THY MAD-
“They will not dwell in the land of the NESS HAS ABOUNDED.”
LORD, Ephraim shall return to Mitsrayim
(Egypt) and eat unclean (-food) in Assyria” “The watchmen of Ephraim was with
in all his ways: they have established madness in
“For behold they are gone due to looting the house of God.”
Egypt (Mitsrayim), Moph (Memphis) gathers
them, MACHMAD [i.e., MOHAMMED] buries As mentioned above, “The mad prophet”
them, their silver ensnared, the thorn in their was considered by some (e.g. Maimonides,
tents (tabernacles) inherits them” (9:6). 1135-1204, in his Letter to Teman) to be a refer-
ence to Mohammed, and the name of Moham-
“The days of visitation have arrived, the med (in Hebrew and Arabic, “MACHMAD”)
days of payment have come, Israel shall know, does appear in the passage.
THE PROPHET IS EVIL, MAD [Hebrew, Historically, the so-called Arabian Ju-
‘Meshuga’] A MAN OF [A?] SPIRIT because of dahites whom Mohammed massacred may have
your transgression and OF GREAT HATRED” been an offshoot from the Lost Ten Tribes, i.e.,
(9:7). “Ephraim.”
Regarding the future the message of
“Ephraim looked out with the GOD OF Hosea may be a warning that the forces of Islam
THE PROPHET, a hidden snare on all his paths, are a danger and association with them threatens
hatred in the house of his god” (9:8). DISASTER upon Ephraim, which mainly means
Great Britain, though a portion of Ephraim is al-
The Greek Septuagint version of the Old so to be found amongst the “Jews” and in North
Testament renders these verses as follows: America, South Africa and Australia. These
verses may well contain a hint that Ephraim will
“Rejoice not, O Israel, neither make attempt some type of rapport with “the god of the
merry, as other nations: for thou hast gone a- prophet” and this will not turn out well.
whoring from thy God; thou hast loved gifts The prophet Ezekiel also prophesied
upon every threshing-floor.” about the great WICKEDNESS OF EDOM in
striving to STEAL Israel’s inheritance. This is a
“They dwell not in the LORD’s land: continuing saga that leads up to the unleashing
Ephraim dwelt in Egypt, and they shall eat un- of the rider on the Pale Horse to attempt to
clean things among the Assyrians.” complete the BLOOD VENDETTA begun by

Principles of Prophecy -- The Pale Horse of Revelation 6
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