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16 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 43
tations with Israel and the United States will be
of MAJOR proportions. The spirit of Islam is the the worship of the sun, the moon, and the
MOST POWERFUL evil force active in the stars (A Comprehensive Commentary on
world today. YEHOVAH God, however, is the the Quran, p. 36).
GREATEST POWER active in our universe! In Arabia, the sun god was viewed as
2. Is the spirit of Islam on a COLLISION a female goddess and the moon as the male
COURSE with YEHOVAH God? Joel 3. god...The name Allah was used as the per-
COMMENT: YEHOVAHs power is sonal name of the moon god (ibid.).
AWESOME! The spirit of Islam will not be able The same commentary states that
to withstand it. Redemption stands at the thresh- Allah, the moon god, was married to the sun
hold, ready to enter the world scene. Whether goddess. Together they produced three god-
you are Gentile, Jew or Moslem -- CALL NOW desses who were called the daughters of
upon the Coming One in whom is salvation Allah. These three goddesses were called
(Zechariah 9:9). Everlasting life is the GIFT of Al-lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat [of the Satanic
YEHOVAH God -- He promises to give us a Verses}.
new heart and put His spirit within us (Eze- The ancient symbol of Allah -- the
kiel 36:26-27). NOW could be the acceptable moon god -- was the crescent moon. His
time, TODAY could be YOUR day of sal- symbol was the crescent moon which now
vation (Isaiah 49:8). Look up! Rejoice! graces every mosque throughout the Moslem
REDEMPTION draws near! world (Chuck Missler, Personal Update,
Vol. 4, No. 2, Feb. 1994, p. 8).
After the Judahites had consistently
The God of Islam refused to follow Mohammed, he changed
the direction of prayer from Jerusalem to
If Islams Allah is not the God of the Mecca and joined the pagans of Arabia who
Judahites and Christians -- then exactly WHO prayed toward the Kaabah in Mecca, be-
is he? To answer this we must take a journey cause that was where their gods were. And
to the Kaabah (Kaaba), to the roots of Islam. Since the idol of their moon god, Allah, was
The roots of Islam are buried in Ara- at Mecca, they [Moslems] prayed toward
bia -- in Mecca -- in a square, stone building Mecca (Morey, The Islamic Invasion, p.
called the Kaabah which, according to the 52). It was the Judahite refusal to accept Mo-
Koran, was built by Abraham. In the Ka hammed as their prophet that partly instigated
abah, there were 360 jinn (genies -- idols, an- the raw Islamic hatred against them. And
gels and demons), one of whom was called from the time of the change in the direction of
Allah. prayer toward the Kaabah, Mohammed
According to Morey: The word began to use his SWORD against the Jewish
Allah comes from the compound Arabic infidels.
word al-ilah. Al is the definite article the, Allah subsequently commanded Mo-
and ilah is an Arabic word for god (The hammed to destroy all the other idols in the
Islamic Invasion, pp. 47-48). Kaabah, and thus Allah, the moon god, be-
Allah is a pre-Islamic name... Cor- came Allah, and Islam -- absolute sub-
responding to the Babylonian Bel (Hastings mission, was born. Islam followed the White
Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, p. 48). and Black Horses and became the worlds
According to E.M. Wherry, Allah- fastest growing religion. Governed by a de-
worship, as well as the worship of Baal, were mon spirit, Islam is more oppressive than
both astral religions in that they involved Communism.
Principles of Prophecy -- The Pale Horse of Revelation 6