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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 43
CEIT from its very inception. It spread like a its origin. IT IS, WITHOUT A DOUBT, A DE-
CANCER and proved to be equally as deadly. SIGNED COUNTERPART OF CHRISTIAN-
Mohammeds expression of delight, Allahu ITY. Its VISIBLE source was in a personal
ahkbar! (Allah is greater!), became the battle- leader who claimed to be the SOLE REPRE-
cry of Islam. Even today the sound of Allahu SENTATIVE and PROPHET of YEHOVAH
ahkbar! rings out as suicide bombers detonate God -- and in A BOOK that is venerated by its
themselves in the midst of Israeli civilians. It adherents as the Word of YEHOVAH God. Its
resonates from the lips of Arabs as they plunge INVISIBLE source is, of course, Satan the
knives into the backs of unsuspecting men, Devil!
women and children. It reverberates not only It has the SUPERNATURAL POWER
throughout the cities and towns of Israel, but also OF SATAN AND HIS DEMONS to inspire
across the entire world -- including the United millions of stern, fierce and bloodthirsty men
States with the 2001 savage attacks on the World with an extraordinary degree of religious fanati-
Trade Center towers in New York City and the cism that quite often rises to a fever-pitch of
Pentagon in Washington, DC. It sanctifies IS- frenzy. In this way it is without parallel in the
LAMIC MURDER AND MAYHEM and turns history of mankind.
it into divine injunctions from Allah. In the Review and Herald of July 22 and
Throughout the centuries the followers 29, 1858, we find the following passage --
of Mohammed have shown an INCREDIBLE Mahomet, it may be said, has heretofore
GLOBE. Today, theirs is the fastest growing rose up AGAINST the Prince of princes. A
religion in many parts of the world, including the GREAT SWORD was given him. His doctrine,
nations of Western Europe; and its adherents generated by the SPIRIT OF FRAUD and enthu-
number almost 1.5 billion -- a QUARTER OF siasm, whose abode is not in the heavens, as
THE WORLDS POPULATION! (Revelation even an unbeliever could tell, arose out of
6:8). bottomless pit, spread over the earth like the
Islam is a mystery of the DARKEST smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air
character. It defies explanation along any ratio- were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
nal or natural basis. Its origin is so utterly differ- It spread from Arabia, over a great part of Asia,
ent to that of other empires that we are left with Africa and Europe. The Greeks of Egypt, whose
no alternative but to believe that it ORIG- numbers could scarcely equal a tenth of the
INATED SUPERNATURALLY. Its growth is nation, were overwhelmed by the universal
just as difficult to explain on natural grounds as defection. And even in the farthest extremity of
continental Europe, the de-
Mohammed receiving the submission of the Judahite Banu Nadir. cline of the French monar-
chy invited the attacks of
TICS. The smoke that rose
from the cave of Hera
[where Mohammed receiv-
ed his visions] was diffused
from the Atlantic to the In-
dian Ocean. But the preva-
lence of their faith is best
seen in the extent of their
Principles of Prophecy -- The Pale Horse of Revelation 6