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P. 10
10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 7
D. is a basic Bible doctrine which is clearly of the time.
understood and practiced by all churches today. C. One must figuratively bury his old carnal
sinful life in the waters of baptism to become a
24. Which ONE of these four statements is spirit-led Christian.
TRUE? D. In baptism, the actual water washes away
the carnal nature.
A. The Messiah proclaimed that only belief in
him is necessary to make a true Christian. 28. In order to become a member of the body
B. We must show proof of our belief and true of the Messiah -- that is, the true Ecclesia of
repentance and desire to obey YEHOVAH God YEHOVAH God --
by performing the outward sign of water
baptism. A. you must only be baptized.
C. We need do nothing outwardly to prove our B. you must shed a few tears, accept the
true repentance and desire to obey YEHOVAH Messiah, and shake the preachers hand.
God. C. you must join it by just sitting among its
D. On the day of Pentecost, the apostle Peter members when it assembles to worship
shouted, Repent, and be sprinkled!. YEHOVAH God.
D. you must be PUT INTO it by YEHOVAH
25. The Greek word baptizo, from which we God by His placing His holy spirit within you
derive baptize, means after baptism.
A. To sprinkle. 29. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
B. To pour.
C. anything we want it to mean. A. is just a religious sounding phrase which
D. To immerse, plunge into, or put into. has no special meaning for us today.
B. was only for the apostles and the Messiah.
26. Sprinkling and pouring C. is simply the RECEIVING of the holy spirit
which automatically puts us -- immerses us --
A. are forms of baptism which are just as into the body of the Messiah -- the true
acceptable to YEHOVAH God as complete Ecclesia of YEHOVAH God.
immersion in water. D. has nothing to do with being immersed,
B. are counterfeit modes of baptism which plunged into -- put into -- the true ecclesia.
were introduced by men and not YEHOVAH
God. 30. Which ONE of these four statements is
C. are both mentioned in the Bible, therefore TRUE?
they are valid forms of baptism.
D. are the modes of baptism practiced by the A. In most cases the laying on of the hands of
true Church of YEHOVAH God today. YEHOVAHs servants is not necessary at all
for receiving the holy spirit.
27. Which one of these four statements is B. In most cases YEHOVAH God gives one
TRUE? His holy spirit through the laying on of the
hands of His authorized servants.
A. Baptism is just a ritual we submit to which C. The laying on of hands for the receipt of the
has no real meaning for us. holy spirit does not illustrate the great power
B. A true spirit-led Christian is one who and authority YEHOVAH has vested in His
follows the dictates of his carnal mind one-half True Ecclesia as His human agent.