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6 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 7
STANDING of just WHO the true GOD guided Noah in building the ark -- who saved
REALLY IS! Lets see WHY this worlds Noah and his family from the Flood. This is the
churches are able to compromise, and GET LIVING GOD whom Abraham obeyed, and in
TOGETHER, and talk about UNITING. whom Abraham trusted -- who gave the
The one and only TRUE God is the PROMISES! This is the SAME GOD who
EVERLIVING God who RULES by His guided and prospered Joseph -- protected,
spiritual Law of LOVE, summed up by the Ten delivered, rewarded him -- because Joseph
Commandments -- and who actually DOES OBEYED Him. This is the same God who
THINGS FOR those who OBEY Him and guided David, as a lad, when he went up against
RELY on Him! the ten-foot tall Goliath who dared to mock the
No church has the TRUE God unless that LIVING GOD.
church OBEYS YEHOVAH Gods Law -- This is the same LIVING God who sent
keeping ALL of His Commandments, living plagues on the Egyptians -- PASSED OVER
actually by EVERY WORD of the ENTIRE Israelites, spared them from death -- delivered
Bible (Luke 4:4), and unless it relies on Him, them from slavery -- parted the waters of the Red
and Him alone for fighting its battles (against Sea.
people or Satan), for healing, for guidance and This is the identical, same LIVING God
direction, wisdom and understanding -- for those who fought the armies of Assyria for Judahs
things which are the prerogatives of YEHOVAH King Hezekiah, when the Assyrian Shalmanezer
to do, and not man. denied the POWER of the Everliving God.
There can be but ONE such Church. This is the same LIVING God who
That Church must be the INSTRU- fought the battle for Judah when the Jews were
MENT through which the one living God attacked by the armies of three allied enemies --
proclaims to the whole world -- all continents -- as a result of the OBEDIENCE AND FAITH of
the SAME GOSPEL OF the KINGDOM OF King Jehoshaphat -- the God who said: Be not
YEHOVAH GOD which Yeshua preached. That afraid nor dismayed by reason of the great
Church proclaims the Message of the LIVING multitude; for the battle is not yours, but Gods."
God -- that He is universe-RULER as well as This is the same LIVING God who
Creator -- it proclaims the coming restoration of intervened to save Shadrach, Meshach, and
HIS GOVERNMENT over the earth -- it serves Abednego from the burning fiery furnace, when
the LIVING God who rules with HIS LAW of they obeyed and trusted Him, saying to the King:
love to YEHOVAH God and love to neighbor, Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us
expressed in the Ten Commandments -- the from the burning fiery furnace and HE WILL
LIVING God who leads and guides and rules our deliver us out of shine hand, O King!"
lives -- who intervenes in our behalf -- who Isnt it time we asked: Is THIS the God
DOES THINGS FOR US which we are unable of AMERICA -- of BRITISH nations -- of
to DO for ourselves -- who works in and through EUROPE? Do WE rely on HIM to fight our
us -- who by His Spirit impregnates us, enters battles -- or do we rely on our own military
literally within us and lives HIS life in US. strength and on human allies who will turn
There is one such Church and ONLY against us?
ONE. Since it is ruled and guided by the Is THIS the God of Protestantism -- or of
LIVING God, whose written Word MEANS Roman Catholicism, and do THEY SERVE Him
what it says, it cannot and will not compromise by keeping all His Commandments? Or do they
or unite with the churches of this world. It disobey, twisting, perverting, and wresting HIS
functions by the POWER of the LIVING GOD! WORD by saying Yeshua did away with
This is the same LIVING God who YEHOVAHs Commandments? Do they trust