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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 7
7. Gehenna fire A. the Messiah appears on this earth again.
B. Satan is destroyed in the Lake of Fire.
A. refers to the fire that burned in the Valley C. YEHOVAHs Shekinah Glory fills the Holy
of Hinnom, which is a TYPE of the final hell of Holies again.
fire that will consume all the incorrigible D. the Day of Judgment takes place.
B. refers to the grave where people are buried. 12. The Lake of Fire will
C. has no reference to either fire or the grave.
D. refers to a reward for doing good deeds. A. engulf the entire earth.
B. occur immediately after the Messiah appears
8. The parable of Lazarus and the rich man again.
proves C. cause the earth to be uninhabited for
A. there is to be eternal punishing of the D. only engulf part of the earth.
B. there is to be no punishment of the wicked. Lesson 26
C. a hell fire will not exist. Is Heaven the Reward of the Saved?
D. there is to be a resurrection of the righteous
to eternal life. 13. Was heaven promised to Abraham as a
reward for righteousness?
9. The kindest thing YEHOVAH God could do
is A. Yes, the Bible says so.
B. We cant be sure.
A. to give rebellious, disobedient people C. Only time will tell.
ETERNAL LIFE so they can eternally continue D. Absolutely not!
tormenting themselves and others by their ways
of sin. 14. Has any man, aside from the Messiah, ever
B. let this world continue forever in the way it ascended into heaven where YEHOVAH God
is now going. is?
C. To blot out all mankind when the Messiah
appears. A. Yes, all the good people who have ever
D. To destroy forever the life of anyone who lived.
REFUSES to live His happy way of life. B. Who can tell, for the Bible does not say.
C. No one but the Messiah has ascended to
10. Your Bible says the wages of sin is heaven.
D. Yes, all those who had rigidly made up their
A. living eternally in outer darkness apart from minds, before they died, that they were going
YEHOVAH God. there.
B. eternal torment in hell fire.
C. being destroyed forever by a worldwide 15. Is this earth basically such an undesirable
flood. place that one could NEVER desire it as an
D. eternal death by fire. eternal inheritance?
11. There will be no more death when A. Yes.
B. No, for it is a desirable inheritance just as it