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Test 7 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7
HIM as their Great Physician, or rely on human A. No, the idea is a complete falsehood based
doctors, who PRACTICE on them with drugs only on mans imaginings.
and medicines, when they are sick? B. Of course not! A loving God would never
Yeshua said: THINK NOT that I am allow a hell to exist.
come to destroy the law -- so they think He DID C. There might be, but there is no way to
destroy it! YEHOVAH God said, REMEM- know.
BER! in one of His Commandments -- so that is D. Yes, for the Messiah speaks of hell.
the Commandment they FORGET.
The ETERNAL is the LIVING God who 3. From where has the world received its
is very soon going to RISE IN JUDGMENT FALSE concept of hell?
against our nations -- against these religions --
which deny Him, disobey Him, trust in any and A. From YEHOVAH God.
everything EXCEPT Him, and in fact serve dead B. From the pagans, who passed the idea to the
gods, in the form of interests, pursuits, sports, ministers, who then taught it to the world.
entertainments, love of money, pride, vanity, C. The world didnt receive it from anyone, for
and selfishness. each person has thought out his own concept of
To serve and obey YEHOVAH God is to hell..
go THE WAY that leads into peace, happiness, D. People dont have any ideas at all regarding
prosperity, and JOY. I know! I started on that a hell.
way over forty years ago, and it has led me into
those rewards. 4. Would a just and loving God condemn to
The DAY OF RECKONING is fast hell fire the vast majority of all the people
swooping down on this rebellious world. who ever lived and never even heard about
YEHOVAH God says He will do nothing, CHRISTIAN salvation -- of SAVING
except He reveal it to His servants and prophets KNOWLEDGE?
(Amos 3:7). HE HAS REVEALED IT -- WE
HAVE PROCLAIMED IT! A. Of course He would!
B. Absolutely not!
Lesson 25 C. Perhaps.
What is Hell? D. It is reasonable to believe He would.
1. Which ONE of these four statements is 5. The Messiah talked about a hell fire in
TRUE? The people of the WORLD believe which one of the following scriptures?
hell to be a place
A. John 1:1.
A. where a merciful God quickly causes the B. Hebrews 5:2.
wicked to cease to exist. C. Mark 9:45.
B. where God shows His love and mercy. D. Mark 10:7.
C. which has not yet come into existence.
D. where a vengeful God punishes the sinful 6. The original Greek word gehenna is
forever with inconceivable torments. usually translated in the Bible as the word
2. Is there any such thing as a hell mentioned A. heaven.
in the Bible? B. purgatory.
C. hell.
D. paradise.