Page 9 - test7.vp
P. 9
Test 7 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 9
C. No, for it would be a very desirable God, does this also include EVERLASTING
inheritance if sin and the results of sin were life?
removed from it.
D. The earth could NEVER be a desirable A. It wouldnt seem reasonable to think so.
inheritance under any conditions. B. Obviously it does.
C. Definitely not!
16. Was Abraham actually promised the D. That would depend upon ones OWN
EARTH FOREVER? interpretation of the Bible.
A. The Bible is not specific about this. 21. Does something have to happen to our
B. Yes, the Bible clearly shows that mortal bodies before we can inherit the
YEHOVAHs original promise to Abraham Kingdom of YEHOVAH God?
EXPANDED until it includes eternal
inheritance of the whole earth. A. We are not told anything about this in the
C. No, he was promised heaven. Bible.
D. We are promised the earth forever, but B. Yes, our mortal bodies must be changed into
Abraham wasnt. SPIRIT, for flesh and blood cannot inherit the
Kingdom of God..
17. What territory did YEHOVAH God C. No change is necessary since our immortal
ORIGINALLY promise to Abraham? souls go to heaven when we die.
D. Our mortal bodies need not to be changed
A. An area in Russia. into spirit to inherit YEHOVAHs Kingdom.
B. An area in South America.
C. The area of Palestine. 22. Do we also, like Abraham, have to be
D. An area in heaven. obedient to inherit the promise?
18. What do we find included in the promise A. No, for we are now under grace.
today? B. Absolutely not! -- for the law has been done
A. All of Russia. C. Of course not, for everyone knows that no
B. All of South America. one can keep the law, so no one can be
C. The whole earth. obedient.
D. All of heaven. D. Yes, the Bible shows we do.
19. Does this promise also include eternal Lesson 27
inheritance in the Kingdom of YEHOVAH The Meaning of Baptism
23. Water baptism
A. Of course not.
B. Yes, the Bible says it does. A. is merely a form of initiation into some
C. It couldnt possibly include that. church.
D. That would be too good to be true. B. is not necessary before we can receive the
power of the holy spirit.
20. Since the promise includes ETERNAL C. is essential for our receiving the power of
inheritance in the Kingdom of YEHOVAH the holy spirit.