Page 34 - BV14
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Incredible as it may seem, both single letters: Aleph and Tau, are in themselves Hebrew words
that have specific meanings. As we have just seen, Dr. d'Olivet clearly shows in his book that "Aleph" is
a word or sign meaning UNITY, and that "TAU" is a word or sign indicating PERFECTION.
As Adam Clarke and the writers of The Anchor Bible, Revelation have shown, "the Alpha
and the Omega" should have been written "The Aleph and the Tau."
Now, with the true meanings of these Hebrew letters uncovered, we can see what YEHOVAH
is actually saying in the scriptures we are studying. Let's look at Revelation 1:8:
I am the UNITY and PERFECTION, the beginning and the end, says YEHOVAH, Who
is, Who was, and Who is coming, the Almighty.
Other scriptures verify that YEHOVAH is Unity and Perfection -- in Deuteronomy 6:4 YEHO-
VAH says that He is ONE (UNITY). Notice --
Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one.
Yeshua the Messiah -- the only begotten Son of YEHOVAH -- who was the savior sent by
YEHOVAH -- clearly taught that YEHOVAH is Perfection, saying in Matthew 19:17:
Why are you asking me about good [perfection]? There is One who is good [perfect]! But
if you want to obtain eternal life, observe the mitzvot [commandments].
Then, in Matthew 5:48 --
Therefore, be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
YEHOVAH God is revealing Himself to be Unity and Perfection. These scriptures that reveal
"the Alpha and the Omega" and "the Aleph and the Tau" to be YEHOVAH Almighty (Revelation 1:8
and 21:6) DO NOT point to Yeshua -- nor can Revelation 1:11 and 22:13 where this phrase was
ADDED in some versions of the Bible to "claim" that Yeshua the Messiah pre-existed!
Yeshua the Messiah: First and Last, Beginning and End
Having proven that the words "Alpha and Omega" were added to Revelation 1:11 and 22:13,
the latter verse should correctly read:
I am the FIRST and the LAST, the BEGINNING and the END.
We know that Yeshua said this; we know that it is no contradiction for him to call himself the
"last" because he will live forever. We know it is no contradiction for him to call himself the "end" be-
cause he is the END RESULT of having kept his Father's laws perfectly. In Romans 10:4 we read --