Page 31 - BV14
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In  The Holy Bible, New King James Version, 1982, published by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
                       Nashville, TN, there is a footnote to Revelation 22:13 which says --

                              117. NU-Text and M-Text read the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

                              This footnote (#117) shows that the Alexandrian (NU) and the Vatican (M) texts leave out the
                       phrase "the Alpha and the Omega."

                              While not mentioning that this verse is not to be found in the Alexandrian and Vatican texts, In-
                       sight on the Scriptures agrees that this verse refers to YEHOVAH God the Father. Notice!

                              The final occurrence of the title [the Alpha and the Omega] is at Revelation 22:13, which
                              states: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
                              It is evident that a number of persons are represented as speaking in this chapter of
                              Revelation; verses 8 and 9 show that the angel spoke to John, verse 16 obviously applies
                              to Jesus, the first part of verse 17 is credited to "the spirit and the bride," and the one
                              speaking in the latter part of verse 20 is manifestly John himself. "The Alpha and the
                              Omega" of verses 12-15, therefore, may properly be identified as the same one who bears
                              the title in the other two occurrences: Jehovah God. The expression, "Look! I am coming
                              quickly," in verse 12, does not require that these aforementioned verses apply to Jesus,
                              inasmuch as God also speaks of himself as "coming" to execute judgment. (Compare
                              Isaiah 26:21.) Malachi 3:1-6 speaks of a joint coming for judgment on the part of
                              Jehovah and his "messenger of the covenant." -- Volume 1, page 81.

                              Now, you might ask, what DIFFERENCE does it make that this phrase was added to this
                       scripture (Revelation 22:13) -- and also to Revelation 1:11? It makes a HUGE difference because it
                       leads people to erroneously believe that Yeshua the Messiah pre-existed in the Godhead before his hu-
                       man birth; because NEVER BEFORE has there been a true understanding of what YEHOVAH God
                       actually said when He identified Himself as "the ALPHA AND THE OMEGA"!

                                                            Aleph and Tau

                              Since we know that YEHOVAH God said He was "THE ALPHA AND OMEGA" in Revela-
                       tion 1:8 and Revelation 21:6, let's thoroughly study these verses to learn the truth about each of them.

                              In Revelation 1:8, the Being Who is speaking identifies Himself as "THE ALMIGHTY" --
                       Whom we all know is YEHOVAH. Almost all English versions of the Bible render this verse in the
                       same way as the King James Version --

                              I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which
                              was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

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