Page 32 - BV14
P. 32

By merely leaving this text as it is written, a tremendous understanding of WHO YEHOVAH is
        has been lost. All one would read into this translation is that YEHOVAH is "the Alpha and Omega" --
        or the Beginning and the End. However, if these two Greek letters are researched in detail, we can
        readily see that YEHOVAH God is revealing  much more   about Himself than just the "Beginning and
        the End."

               In the Greek alphabet the letter "ALPHA" is the first letter, while "OMEGA" is the last. But in
        the HEBREW language -- in which the New Testament scriptures are now known to have been origi-
        nally written -- the letter "ALEPH" is the first letter, and the letter "TAU" is the last.

               It is admitted by Bible scholars that Revelation 1:8 should say (in Hebrew):

               I am the ALEPH and the TAU

               instead of

               I am the ALPHA and the OMEGA

               This we find in a number of translations, including the Disciples' New Testament. Notice:

               I am the ALAP and TAU, says the Lord God, the One who Is, and the One who Becomes
               and the One who Comes, the One and Only for all.

               In a footnote to this verse, the Disciples' New Testament states: "To use 'Omega' here, that is
        the last letter of the Greek alphabet, is wrong, since the original utterance is in Aramaic and the title the
        Lord gives Himself must not be changed according to the alphabet of the language in which His title is
        translated; therefore, 'Tau' should be retained in all other languages. Incidentally, in Hebrew it is 'Tau'
        also (page 470).

               The Anchor Bible, Revelation     Volume 38, p. 379, gives us another explanation of this
        phrase, saying --

               8. the Alpha and the Omega. The Hebrew would be aleph and taw, probably standing
               respectively for Urim and Thummin, the sacred lots of the high priest used to determine
               the will of God and also meaning "all encompassing."

               Adam Clarke, in his Commentary, Volume 6, p. 971, confirms that "ALPHA AND OMEGA"
        is indeed "ALEPH AND TAU" in Hebrew. Notice what he says --

               [The beginning and the ending] That is, as aleph or alpha is the beginning of the
               alphabet, so am I the author and cause of all things; as tau or omega is the end or last
               letter of the alphabet, so am I the end of all things, the destroyer as well as the establisher
               of all things.
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