Page 33 - BV14
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However, we would not be any better off if Revelation 1:8 is properly rendered, "I am the
ALEPH and the TAU..." One still would not know what YEHOVAH means when He merely identifies
Himself by the FIRST and the LAST letters of the Hebrew alphabet. We need to dig further into this
subject. The letters ALEPH and TAU must be researched in depth to ascertain if they have a meaning,
or message, to convey.
Unity and Perfection
What the translators of the Bible did not realize -- or simply rejected -- is that each individual
Hebrew letter can be a word or phrase unto itself -- with a specific meaning. This is clearly pointed out
by Fabre d'Olivet in his intriguing book, The Hebraic Tongue Restored. Dr. d'Olivet shows clear,
precise explanations for the meanings of each individual Hebrew letter -- and to what they point out or
declare. On page 98 of his book, Dr. d'Olivet explains that knowing that each Hebrew letter has a
meaning of its own is the KEY to understanding the Bible --
Twenty-two signs: such are the simple bases upon which reposes the Hebraic tongue,
upon which are raised the primitive or derivative tongue which are attached to the same
origin. From the perfect understanding of these bases, depends the understanding of their
genius: their possession is a key which unlocks the roots.
In discussing the letters ALEPH and TAU, Dr. d'Olivet presents clear proof that these two let-
ters make statements in their own right. The FIRST letter in the Hebrew alphabet (ALEPH), according
to Dr. d'Olivet, stands for UNITY. Notice:
A. -- This first character of the alphabet, in nearly all known idioms, is the sign of power
and of stability. The ideas that it expresses are those of unity and of the principle by
which it is determined (The Hebraic Tongue Restored, p. 95).
Now, going to page 287, he states --
A. First character of the alphabet in nearly all known idioms. As a symbolic image it
represents universal man, mankind, the ruling being of the earth. In its hieroglyphic
acceptation, it characterizes unity, the central point, the abstract principle of a thing. As a
sign, it expresses power, stability, continuity.
On both page 98 and page 465 of this book, Dr. d'Olivet succinctly points out that the letter
"TAU," -- the LAST letter of the Hebrew alphabet -- means and stands for PERFECTION:
TH. -- Sign of reciprocity: image of that which is mutual and reciprocal. Sign of signs.
Joining to the abundance of the character [...], to the force of the resistance and protection
of the character [...], the idea of perfection and necessity of which it is the emblem.