Page 35 - BV14
P. 35

Christ is the end [result] of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who

                              Naturally, the translators tried to distort and misinterpret this verse to try and make you believe
                       that Yeshua ended or "did away" with the law! If you research the meaning of the word translated "end"
                       in this scripture you will find that it means ultimate, prophetic purpose or product -- and not "end" as
                       is universally understood in the English context. Religious deceivers also use Romans 10:4 to argue that
                       the apostle Paul taught against YEHOVAH's laws! Nothing could be further from the truth! The apos-
                       tle Paul never once taught against the laws of YEHOVAH.

                              Now, in Revelation 22:13, Yeshua calls himself the "LAST" because he has been resurrected to
                       eternal life and will never die again. He called himself the "END" because he is the END PRODUCT --
                       the ultimate result of the law of YEHOVAH.

                              But what did he mean when he called himself the "FIRST" in Revelation 22:13? Did he mean
                       that he was the first being to ever exist? Many would have you think so. Did he mean that he was "the
                       Father of all the living"? There are many who would have you think so. Was Yeshua saying that he pre-
                       existed? If you let scripture interpret scripture the meaning will be very clear. Notice, please, Revelation

                              And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and
                              the prince of the kings of the earth...

                              So therefore, when Yeshua called himself the "FIRST" in Revelation 22:13 -- he was not refer-
                       ring to "pre-existence" at all! Yeshua simply meant that he was the first begotten of the dead, which
                       means that he was THE FIRST TO BE RAISED FROM THE DEAD! Because Yeshua is now raised
                       from the dead, he is now immortal -- he is the FIRST to be fully created in the whole image of YEHO-
                       VAH! This is what Yeshua meant when he said that he was the "FIRST" in Revelation 22:13.

                              What, then, did he mean when he called himself the "BEGINNING" in the same verse? Does
                       this imply that he was in the beginning with YEHOVAH -- as many would have you believe? The an-
                       swer to these questions is found in Revelation 3:14, which says --

                              And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen,
                       the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God [YEHOVAH]:

                              In this scripture Yeshua calls himself the "beginning of the creation of God [YEHOVAH]." Yes,
                       of course! Man -- in his present physical state -- is only a HALF-CREATED being, because we, man-
                       kind, are still corruptible flesh, as Paul says in I Corinthians 15:53:

                              For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

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